The Gut Coach Gluten Free Bread Recipe
My Gluten Free Bread has the texture of a Sourdough…
No dairy, gums, sugar, nuts, soy or egg. This bread does not have a weird slimy texture and just requires you to mix the ingredients together then bake, easy!
300g Shipton Mill GF white bread mix AND 40g Freee GF Plain White Flour or 340g Freee GF Plain White Flour
100g Quinoa Flour (I use Shipton Mill)
100g Buckwheat flour (I use Freee)
(these specific flours are tried and tested, easily click link and buy online)
1 tbsp psyllium husk
(optional and not needed when using Shipton Mill GF White Bread Mix)
NB: Psyllium slows digestion so please do not use or be mindful using it when bloating, constipation and anxiety are present)
1 tbsp ground golden flaxseed
(optional and is a good boost to the gut bacteria but be mindful with bloating, constipation or slow moving food through the intestines)
2 tsp GF baking powder (optional)
2 tsp pink salt
1 sachet Bioreal organic yeast
600ml warm water
Mix dry ingredients together.
Dissolve yeast in 600ml warm water.
Stir yeast into water until fully dispersed.
Pour yeast water into dry ingredient and stir well for a few minutes.
Use a bread scraper to fully incorporate all flour and liquid together. It should be the consistency of a very thick batter.
Cover with tea towel & leave in warm place to rise until doubled in size for 1-2 hours.
Turn out into grease paper lined loaf tin.
Cover with tea towel, rise again for 20 minutes.
Heat oven to 190 (fan-assisted oven).
Bake for 50 minutes or until bottom sounds hollow upon tapping with wooden spoon, turn out onto wire tray & leave until fully cooled.
For free gut support and another delicious recipe download my gut-brain boosting guide below!